Grandma's picture

Grandma's picture
Grandma's Passport photo

Friday, February 24, 2023

54 - Photos of Nieder-Mohrau

 Click here to read story from beginning.

Before returning to the story, I have some photos of the village of Nieder-Mohrau that seem to fit in here with the history of the area.


The postcard pictures here show views of Nieder-Mohrau, but I do not know the exact time frame. I added these photos because they seemed to be relevant, I don't remember if they were actually in the little cotton sack with the rest of Grandma Cecile's souvenirs.

old postcard photo of Nieder-Mohrau

Printing on the face of this postcard identifies the scene as "Nieder-Mohrau". The shading and dark edges on the left side are from smoke damage from the house fire in the old Beitel farmhouse in Oregon. The picture shows how the  fields ran from the back of the houses up to the forest and hills in the background.


Back of the above postcard

As you can see, this postcard was never mailed to anyone or used as a message. The vertical printing in the center of the back says "Foto. Hans Olbrich Wurbenthal 299. Ges. Gesch"... where the print fades out. My guess is this was a photo taken by Hans Olbrich in a series he did in the Wuerbenthal area.


Nieder-Mohrau from a different angle

 Again, this postcard is identified as being "Nieder-Mohrau", but it is a different view, closer to the center of town. The church is quite clearly visible in the upper left section of the picture, with the cemetery behind it. In processing the file for this photo, I changed the color to improve the contrast. In reality, it is more of a sepia tone.


Back of the above postcard

This picture shows the back side of the second Nieder-Mohrau picture postcard. Again, this postcard was obviously never used. The vertical stamp says the same as the other Nieder-Mohrau card - "Foto. Hans Olbrich Wurbenthal 299. Ges. Geschoff". The type gets very blurry at the end of "Geschoff", so that is a best guess.

Another Nieder-Mohrau postcard

This postcard, though also never used, has more of a story to go with it. Among the items in my Uncle Tony Beitel's family history photo album, was this printed copy of a page from the book "Unvergessen Heimat - Nieder- und Ober-Mohrau", a book which I have mentioned before in this blog:


Page 62 of : Unvergessene Heimat"

 As you can see, the top photo on the page is the same picture as in the third postcard, a large building with a small truck parked in front.The text under the picture in the book is, "Hansdorfer Bierauto beim Niedergericht".  My friend Al translated that as "Hansdorf beer wagon near the Lower Judicial Office".

In the copied page (not in the actual book) there is a handwritten note to the right of the photo. It says:

This is the Restaurant where they celebrated your mother's visit in 1936. The family picture was taken just 50 ft. to the right. It was the gathering place for the Village and was near the Church and School.

Since the written text says "your mother's" I'm guessing that it was written by my Aunt Mildred, Uncle Tony's wife. Or it could have been written by Sr Agnes, who must have copied the page from the book to give to Aunt Mildred for her family history records. I remember Uncle Tony saying that the album was Aunt Mildred's work.

It does corroborate the idea that one of the photos taken that day was indeed taken by a restaurant - see the third photo in Post #35. It also seems to indicate that the photo was originally from about the time of Grandma's visit in 1936. Since the other postcards are all by the same photographer, they must also be from around 1936.

Remember, to see  a larger view of the images, simply click on any of them and you will be able to scroll through them all. And if you are curious about the other two images  on "page 62", my friend Al translated the text as: 

the second picture - "Gasthof (restaurant) Eschig-Breiter" (the name of the property owners)

the third picture - War Memorial (WWI), behind it is the Restaurant Koehler


Story to be continued......


Sunday, July 10, 2022

53 - Larger Map and Some History

 Click here to read story from beginning.

I have taken a break in the story of Grandma's 1936 trip to fill in some background information with a map of her home village.


The village map shown and discussed in Post 52 was part of a larger area. When Grandma Cecile was living there, it was part of Austria. By 1936 when she returned to visit, it was part of Czechoslavakia. Today it is known as the Czech Republic. That previous map is a close-up view of the villages of Ober and Nieder-Mohrau. Now I would like to add a map of the larger area.

Nieder- and Ober-Mohrau are circled

This map is page 5 of the book "Unvergessene Heimat", or "Unforgotten Homeland". It is titled "Kreiskarte" which translates to circle map. That must refer to the circle in the center which marks the location of the Nieder- and Ober-Mohrau villages. To look at it closer, simply click on the image.

The areas marked in color were most likely made by Sr Agnes Beitel, Grandma's daughter who owned the book. She was probably marking important places. Some are places mentioned by Grandma in the story of her travels, some may have been places that Sr Agnes visited on one of her overseas trips. You may want to refer to this map while reading the story. The handwriting at the top of the page about Karlsbrunn was probably made by  Sr Agnes. Not sure if it is a translation, or if someone thought it was a beautiful place.

You will not find these names on modern maps. As mentioned, the area is now the Czech Republic and towns have Czech names. A few I have, thanks to my cousin Linda Koenig, are:

Roemerstadt (then) - Rymarov (now)

Nieder-Mohrau (then) - Doni Moravice (now)

Karlsdorf (then) - Karlov pod Pradedem

Wurbenthal (then) - Vrbno pod Pradedem or Vrbno (now)

Along with the maps, I thought a little history/geography might be useful or at least interesting. The same book that gave the maps, also provided some history on page 9.

Page 9 with photo of a Paper mill in Nieder-Mohrau.

As usual, I turned to my friend Al Haunold for a translation. In this case, I had sent him the page with a specific phrase or word that we had discussed. He then told me the page had interesting information and offered to tell me what it said. Here then, is his translation:

Location of our home town:
pg 9

As mentioned before, our home town was founded in the year 1258. It is located in a valley between the Harrachsdorfer heights and the Teufelsberge (devils mountains), along the village creek which in Niederdorf combines with the Mohrau (river). The Mohrau river starts in a pit below the Hohe Heide and near the Rosenberge also combines with the Seifenbach. The name of this latter one leads us to the conclusion that at some time gold was panned (washed) in this creek. As all around here this location was settled as a mountainous agricultural enterprise. Its geographic details are approximately 50 degrees North latitude and 35 degrees eastern longitude.

Located approximately 6 kilometers north of Roemerstadt, Mohrau belonged to this district. The Roemerstadt district at that time included 39 communities. It was a politically recognized district with a Bezirkshauptmann (district leader) at the top. In May 1939 the district had 26,936 inhabitants. Nieder Mohrau had 804 people, meaning 248 separate house-holds, and Ober Mohrau had 308 people, corresponding to 88 house-holds, and Roemerstadt itself had 5,859 people corresponding to 1963 house-holds.

Mohrau is at an elevation of 650 meters above sea level. At the eastern edge of the town and in parts also along the Mohrau (river) is the country’s border with Silesia. Some-time later this part of Silesia and Moravia were combined as Moravia-Silesia.

According to the regular development, both villages were Reihendoerfer (villages of single-row houses) along some forested slopes, which means that behind the farmer’s houses, fields extended up to the boundary of the next village. The neighboring communities were Neudorf, Klein-Mohrau, Wildgrub, Kleinstohl, Irmsdorf, Roemerstadt, Harrachsdorf, and Rosendorf. Since our village had two streets and also two sides, the larger side and the smaller side, there were also farmer’s houses between the two sides who had their fields extending into the direction of Kleinstohl, Irmsdorf, and also toward the direction of Klein-Mohrau. With an extension of approximately 2 ½ km, Nieder – and Ober-Mohrau were typical peasant villages. The inhabitants of these locations worked in the silk-processing factories (enterprises) of Roemerstadt, in the chain manufacturing factory in Klein-Mohrau and in the Bleiche (bleaching facility) of Kleinstohl. A portion of the workers was also employed by the paper-mill in Nieder Mohrau.

Photo below: Paper-mill Matzner, Nieder-Mohrau

Next, I will continue on with Grandma's personal account. 

Story to be continued......

To read Post -  "54 - Photos of Nieder-Mohrau Click here

Sunday, July 3, 2022

52 - Map of Grandma's Hometown Village


Click here to read story from beginning.

Note to readers: My apologies to any who have been waiting for so long for a next post in the story of Grandma's Trip. Life does seem to get in the way of the best laid plans. Enough said. This post took a while to produce because I wanted to translate from German to English all the labels in the map posted here. Not withstanding the postponements, that took quite a bit of time. I hope you enjoy exploring the result.


Perhaps when Grandma Cecile was still living in Nieder-Mohrau, there was some space between the villages. By 1945 when it all came to an end, the villages of Nieder- and Ober-Mohrau had grown together. Klein Mohrau was still a short distance away. Today Nieder-Mohrau is known by a Czech name - Dolni Moravice.

To make the translations, I ran the words through Google's Translator. Often, it would simply repeat a word, indicating that it did not understand. Those words I then asked my friend Al Haunold to help me with. When you see some of those words, you'll know why Google couldn't come up with a replacement word!

Below is the map, followed by a list of the translations. You can see a larger version of the map to perhaps look for houses of your relatives and see what their occupation was. All you have to do is click on the image.

When going through the translations, the words in blue are those of Al Haunold. Many thanks, Al!! The map and key are from the book, "Unvergessene Heimat" or "Unforgotten Homeland".


map of Grandma's hometown village



Translation of Words from German to English on the map of Nieder- and Ober-Mohrau

Note: words written with the German “umlaut” are spelled with an “e” after the vowel when written in English.

Zeichernerkidrung - Character declaration (map key)

Gedenkstätten - Memorials

Gewässer – waters (river, lake, pond)

Grenze - border

Nebengebäude - Outbuildings

Strassen - Streets

Wege - Roads

Wohngebäude - Residential buildings

Hauservzeichnis mit Gewerbezweig - House directory with occupation of residents

Altes Bauernhaus Kraus - Old Kraus farmhouse

Arbeiter - workers

Arbeiterwohnhaus - Workers’ house

Ausgedingehaus zu Nr. 28 - Ausgedingehaus to No. 28

Ausgedingehaus – Ausgedingehauswith reference to a specific house number, that is different and hard to figure out unless you have experienced it yourself.

In Austria where I [Al] grew up, Ausgedinge had a very specific meaning. When people got older and they thought of cutting back on their work or even retiring, especially farmers, they went into the Ausgedinge. That means, they turned over much of their activities to a son (or rarely a daughter who usually was married)

They often stayed in the same house or moved to another abode which the family already owned. They thus were “ausgedingt” but still got their living expenses covered, frequently living in the same house with their child’s family.

If they moved to a different address, that’s where the “haus” and its number come in.

In this case, the retiree still depended on his sustinence from the son or daughter but did not materially work with the business anymore. He is referred to as an “Ausgediengter” (retired) and is living at a specific location. 

Bauernhof – farm

Bauernhof (frueher Olmuehle) - Farm (formerly Oil mill) referring to some machinery or perhaps a building for milling oil seeds grown on the farm.

Bauernhof unbewohnt siehe Nr. 43 - Uninhabited farm see no.43

Bauernhof und Flachshande - Farm and flax trade

Bauer u. Hausfleischer - Farmer and house butcher

Bauernhof (verp. an E. Muller) - Farm (sold to E. Muller)

Bauernhof (Wohng. Vermietet) - Farm (rented apartment)

Beamter – Official

Bleicharbeiter – bleach worker - The Bleiche is actually some vessel, tub or perhaps something larger, but definitely a vessel of some kind holding a chemical bleaching solution in a separate location being referred to as Bleiche. There is no indication for which manufacturing it was used, but [in Mohrau it could either] refer [both] to a silk manufacturing facility (Seidenfabrik) and/or a paper mill (Papierfabrik). The Bleiche (word for bleaching would be “bleichen”) was definitely used for one of these enterprises. [Thus, a bleicharbeiter would be a worker in one of those facilities.]

Ehem. - Former

Ehem. Hadwiger Kaufmann - Former Hadwig merchant – Hadwig is probably the name of the owner of the grocery store. Ehem. Is the abbreviation for “former”, thus he was the former owner of the store and now referred to as “Hadwig” merchant.

Ehem. Spunddreherei - former bung turning shop (a bung is a a round piece of wood, cork, or rubber which you use to close the hole in a container such as a barrel or flask. (from dictionary)) so this would have been a shop that produced those round pieces of wood

Ehemals Konsumverein - Former Consumer association,

like a group buying club, most likely for groceries. Like a group buying club, most likely for groceries. Ehemals means “former”. Nothing mentioned about the products, it could be fruits and vegetables, but also clothing or household gadgets or even equipment: This association probably provided more leverage for getting better prices. Not just a farmers market, much more than that

Erbgericht mit Gastwirtschaft - Google translated as: “Hereditary court with restaurant”

Al’s translation: Erbgericht refers to a family-kept recipe which was inherited. Erb refers to inherited and Gericht means menu or recipe (not the judicial term Gericht.)

Gastwirtschaft of course is restaurant, and in the former sense something usually run by a family or close relatives not the commercial enterprise we are used to today. This recipe would be an heirloom

follow-up email from Al -Dec 20, 2021: Erbgericht: Erb means “inherited or heritance. Gericht in this case refers to a menu. Thus: some family-inherited dish of some sort, perhaps main meal or dessert.

Gastwirtschaft as explained before is a place where one can get a meal and often also beverages like beer and wine.

No, it does not specifically mean that the restaurant stayed or was in the family, just the recipe had been handed down from one generation to another one and this restaurant used this old-inherited recipe for their menu and advertisement to draw curious customers.

Färbermeister - Master dyer

Fassbinderbetrieb – Cooper business (maker or fixer of barrels)

Friseurgeschäft - Barber shop

Gaertlerstelle – Google had no answer

Al’s comments: A job with a business that sells garden items, mainly vegetables such as lettuce, onions, potatoes, and in these days rarely flowers or shrubs. They were a good business then primarily in the spring when they had hot beds or even a greenhouse and could sell vegetables at an earlier time before field-grown items became available.

Stelle means job or employment.

A book, “The Adolf Story”, written by Felix and Lucille Koenig, descendants of Adolf Koenig - one of my Grandfather's uncles – provides a few more clues. Adolf was the first of the family to settle in Nebraska. The book is mostly genealogy. They included a few translations in the beginning including Community names and Professions. In that list they have Gaertler - cottager, Gaertner - field cottager, Haeusler - cottager, Hortulanus - field cottager. Different words for slight variations on the job? Perhaps whether or not the person had access to land? I did check the definition of cottager and it explained the old English version of a person living in a small cottage on a large estate. The cottager has enough ground around the house to raise a garden for food. So perhaps the "field cottager" had access to a field away from the house/cottage?

Gaertlerstelle (Wohnung. Vermietet) – Gaertlerstelle (Apartment. Rented), (see above translation for Gaerlerstelle)

Gasthaus u. Fleischerei - Inn and butcher shop

Gasthaus u. Friseurgeschaft - Guest house and barber shop

Gemeindehaus - Parish Hall

Gendarmeriestation - a police station

Al’s comments: even today the French word is used regularly and the police officers are referred to as Gendarm (singular) or Gendarme (plural)

Genossenschaftsschmiede - Cooperative forge

Gesh. -u. Mietshaus (Riedel Poldi) - Gesh. -u. Tenement house (Riedel Poldi)

Al’s comments: I am at a loss with Gesh,  [maybe] Gaestehaus, house for guests, the second word [Miethaus] is “rental”.

The names Riedel Poldi, in German they use the reverse, last name followed by first name, thus one person, could be either male or female, abbreviation for Leopold is thus “Poldi

  A guess would be an abbrevation of Geschichtliche, which would be “historical?

Gespannführer - Team leader

Al’s comments: this refers to a horse drawn vehicle, called “Gespann”, he held the reins (Al H. email 5/9/22), so the team referred to is a team of horses, not people

Greislerei - Grocery store

Haushälterin - housekeeper

Hüttenarbeiter - Ironworkers

in der Kolonie - in the colony

in this instance it is used in the phrase "Zur Kettenfabrik i.d. Kolonn” My question to Al was what Colony?

Al’s comments: the reference might be to an African colony since Germany prior to WW one had several colonies in Africa. Kettenfabri is a facility where they made chains, likely iron or steel for various applications.

Kauffmann – Google simply repeated the word

Al’s comments: The German spelling is wrong, only one f and thus Kaufmann. That is a merchant, either groceries or clothing, shoes or a combination. Thus just “businessman”

Kettenschmied – Chain smith

Kleinbauer – Small (land)holder, small farmer

Al’s comments: A Kleinbauer is a small farmer who may own a few slivers of land and has troubles making a living.

Kleinbauernhof - Small farm

Kleinbauer und Muellergehilfe - Small farmer and mueller assistant

Kleinbauer mean small farmer. Mueller assistant means assistant to a miller, namely one who mills grain to produce flour.

Kleingartlerstelle - Allotment agency - “allotment gardens” according to Wikipedia are like community garden spaces, rented out for people to have a space for their gardens in this case, small gardens.

Landwirtschaft verpachtet - Agriculture leased

person leased some agricultural land, and he had leased his agricultural holdings to somebody else

Lerchhaus – Lerchhaus - This one stumped even Al, so ??

Maurer - Bricklayer, mason

Mietshaus - Tenement house

Mietshaus (Neuvoglseifen) – tenement house (Neuvoglseifen) – I believe Neuvoglseifen was a town in the area

Al’s comments: Mietshaus is a rental house. Miete means rent

Neuvogelseifen is likely the name of the village, Literal translation would mean “Soap for new birds”

Mietshhaus zu Nr. 8 - Apartment building to No. 8

Mühlenbetrieb und. Landwirtschaft – Mill (grain?) operation and Agriculture

Neubauwohnhaus - New residential building

Packerei u. Kaufladen – Packing and shop

Papierfabrik u. Landwirtschaft - Paper mill and Agriculture

Pfarrhof – rectory

Postbeanter - Mailman

Postelle – mail department (Post Office)

Privat – private

Rentner - pensioner

Saegearbeiter - Sag workers

Al’s comments: Saege means a saw, like “cutting wood with...” Thus this person works in a sawmill, or works with a saw of some sort.

Sattlerei u. Kleinbauer - Saddlery and small farmer

Schiefererzeugung u. Kleinbauer - Slate production and small farmer

Schmiedebetrieb u. Wohnhaus - Blacksmith shop and residential building

Schneiderei - Tailoring

Schuhmacherei - shoemaking

Schulgebäude – school-building

Spenglerei - Plumbing

Strassenwärter u. Milchhandel - Roadman and milk trade

Tabakhandel - Tobacco trade

Textilarbeiter - Textile workers

Tischler – carpenter

Tischlerei - Joinery

Tischlerei u. Kleinbauer - Carpentry and small farmer

Villa – villa, mansion

Villa means like Google interpreted, except in the local surroundings,  it has the meaning of “mansion” - people looked at such dwellings as something that few people could afford and their owners are esteemed and rich. Like nobility of some sort or very rich merchants who have little contact with the common folk.

Wagner u. Kleinbauer - Wagner and small farmers

Wagner refers to a profession, a person who is licensed to make wagons, perhaps even carriages. Most wagons that the wagner built were for heavy loads such a hay, wood, fruits, grain.

Waldarbeiter - Forest workers

Waldarbeiter u. Gaertlerstelle - Forest workers and Cottage garden workers

Werkstischler - Carpenter

- My question was – what is the difference between a Werkstischler and a Tischler? An apprentice? A different type of carpentry???

Al’s comments: a carpenter, not just an apprentice, perhaps a licensed shop owner who makes furniture. Likely not building houses, that would be a Zimmermann.

Wohn - u. Retiebsgebaude zu Nr. 31 - Residential and retirement building to No. 31

Wohnhaus - Residential building

Wohnhaus f. bei ihm Beschäftigte - House for employees

Wohn u. Betriebshauser - Residential and industrial buildings

Wohn - u. Mietshaus - Residential and tenement house

Zimmermann – Carpenter [as mentioned above by Al, this carpenter would build houses]

Zimmermann u. Kleinbauer - Carpenter and small landholder/farmer

Zu – to

zur Kettenfabrik i.d. Kolonie - to the chain factory i.d. colony (see above)

1942 abgebrannt - Burned down in 1942

small box in bottom right of map page:

Geschichtliche Daten - Historical Data

1200 to 1400 25 villages were listed in the vicinity of Roemerstadt

1258 Founding of the village Mohrau

1350 construction of a wooden church

In the second half of the 15th century the total population succumbed to the Plague

In the middle of the 16th century new settlers arrived: Protestants

1594 construction of a new church

1623 switch to the Order of German Knights: catholic

1794 church burned down due to a lightning strike

1795 construction of a new church in a Romanesque style

1798 installation of a pipe organ in N. M. (Nieder Mohrau ?)

1803 purchase of three new bells for the church

1806 construction of a school building

1834 surveying all fields for the ownership registry, Roemerstadt

1892 founding a voluntary fire brigade

1902 construction of the main village road/ installation of a clock into the church tower

1903/04 and also 1927 huge damages due to flooding

1918/19 Huge flu epidemic (Spanish flu; influenca)

1919 due to the peace treaty of Versailles the area which until then was Austrian

went to Czechoslovakia

1920 electrification

1922 construction of a war memorial

1928 expansion of the cemetery

1934 fire destroys the Brech house (4 women died)

1938 Reunion with Germany between October 1 to 10

1942 fire destroys the sawmill owned by Hubert Matzner

1946 forced relocation from the old homesteads

Ortsplan von Nieder-und Ober/Mohrau (Stand: Ende April 1945) – Map of the place as of its end in April 1945


Entwurf nach dem Gedaechtnis aufgestellit im Jahre 1968 von Franz Klos und Willi Aust. - design from the memory & presented in the year 1968 by Franz Klos and Willi Aust.

Gezeichnet von Herbert Schallner 1972 Zusammenstellung Fruehjahr 1982/E-L.K

- Personal remembrances of Herbert Schallner 1972, compilation spring 1982/ E-L.K

Hoehenlage: 650m ue. NN – elevation, 650 meters above sea level [about 2133 feet]

Km/Angabe: Ab Kirche N. -M. - as listed: from the church in Nieder-Mohrau

[general translations by Google translator, refined translations by Al Haunold 


Story to be continued......

To read Post -  "53 - Larger Map and Some History" Click Here

Thursday, November 25, 2021

51-What Was Grandma Eating?


Click here to read story from beginning.

Note to readers: While other things have been keeping me from posting more to this blog,  a cousin of mine happened to go back to read the most recent post, Grandma's Diary Entry, 26 June 1936: While Grandma Cecile waits at her sister Gustie's house for them to come home from work in the fields, she mentions getting some "sourbrunn" as she waits. My cousin Linda's question - just exactly what was Grandma doing? Was sourbrunn some sort of bread? Was she getting a snack? This post is the answer to that riddle.


Grandma Cecile does not give any clue in her writing as to what "sourbrunn" is. Seems she may have been hungry, it was 5:40 pm, was it some sort of food? As I often do, I turned to my friend Al Haunold for help - any idea what sourbrunn is?

Al's response: The word Sourbrunn as you wrote it here  is not a German word.  It would have to be Sauerbrunn meaning "a well with sour/acidic water like a  mineral spring". That is not unusual,  I knew of some wells like that when I grew up and most of the time they were not used, except in tourist locations for health bathing like in the town of Baden near Vienna or others in the Alps.

 Okay, that would make sense. Grandma's writing here in her diary was generally English, but it was a family habit. Maybe it is common for people who speak more than one language to mix the languages together in their speech or writing? It certainly was for my parents. 

I happened to be looking through the book "Unvergessene Heimat" while working on something else for this blog. ("Unvergessene Heimat" is a book about Nieder- and Ober-Mohrau.) I turned to page 78 and there it was - "Sauerbrunn-1965"! A photo beside the caption shows a small, roofed structure over a stream of water. Sure looks like a spring and/or stream to me! 1965 would probably be the date of the photo. The photo is one of many photos  in the picture section of the  book. The title of the page it is on "Nachkriegsaufnahmen" which was translated by Google as "post war recordings" or "images recorded after WWII".

Sauerbrunn 1965 in the book "Unvergessene Heimat"


Could it have been that Grandma was referring to getting a drink of mineral water? Again, it would make sense, going by what my folks did when I was a child, years ago. I can remember going on Sunday drives with my family to mineral springs at Sodaville and Cascadia, both in Oregon.

My folks would take along a gallon jug and fill it with the mineral water, take it home and drink it, like many other people. Back then some people thought drinking mineral water had medicinal benefits.

Now the Cascadia wellhead is closed. I would guess the Sodaville one is as well. Jack & I stopped at Cascadia State Park a couple of years ago (2019) and the pump is still there, but it is unusable. The mineral water is deemed unsafe to drink. Whether anyone was ever sickened from drinking it, I do not know, but since it is not regulated, it is probably a risk that the State Parks are unwilling to take. Just as well, I never liked it anyway, but Grandma must have! (The following photos are two of mine.)

mineral spring handpump - Cascadia 2019

Soda Creek at Cascadia

To see any of the images up close, click on any image and you will be able to scroll through all of them. To learn more about Sodaville and Cascadia, click on the links within the story.


Story to be continued......

To read Post -  "52 - Map of Grandma's Hometown Village - Click here