Grandma's picture

Grandma's picture
Grandma's Passport photo

Sunday, July 12, 2015

27- Post Cards From the Europa - 10 June 1936

Click here to read story from beginning

Story so far: Grandma Cecile was on her way to visit her relatives back in her home village of Nieder-Mohrau, Czechoslavkia. She had crossed the country by train, from Oregon on the Pacific coast to New York on the Atlantic coast. The Europa, one of the North German Lloyd ship line, was carrying her across the Atlantic.


Grandma Cecile managed to mail at least 2 post cards from the ship. She may have mailed others, but these are the only two that I know about. The one that she mailed home was in her collection. The one mailed to Sr Liliosa (Agnes), was in Sr Agnes' possession. One time when I visited Sr Agnes, she allowed me to take home many of her photos and other items to scan. I returned them to her later. Since Sr Agnes ' death, I do not know who has this particular card. It probably was given to one of the family members.

Here are the cards and their messages:

Front of postcard to Sr Agnes



10 6 36 [10 June 1936]

Bremen-New York


Dear Sister of mine!

I am writing this on high sea so when we land in Cherbourg it can be given

Postcard to Sr Agnes/Liliosa
in the mail. Everybody on the ship is nice, but rather high tuned. So far I am well, but we can sometime[s] loose [lose] the floor today when we want to walk.

Addressed to:

Sister M. Liliosa

St. Marys of the Valley



Front of postcard mailed home
Second card - same picture as the other one



Bremen-New York

10 6 36 [10 June 1936]

Message to family at home


My dear All at home:-

by the time this card reaches you  I will be by my destination I am writing this on high sea, so when we land at Cherbourg it can be given in the mail. So far I am fine in spite of rough sea.


Addressed to:

Mr. Alois Beitel



Route 1 Box 207

Grandma mentions mailing the cards in Cherbourg. Cherbourg is a port in France. The ship must have made a stop in that port on the way to Bremen. According to the wikipedia article at the previous link, Cherbourg was the first stop made by the Titanic after it sailed from Southampton, England.

She signed the card "M." Perhaps that was short-hand for "Ma" (mother).

****************************************************Story Story to be continued......  

To read Post "28 - Europa - Blueprint of Passenger Areas  Click here

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